InterCommunity 2020: Fostering Infrastructure and Technical Communities
Join the Internet Society for a virtual conversation about fostering Infrastructure and Technical Communities.
Join the Internet Society for a virtual conversation about fostering Infrastructure and Technical Communities.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the premier Internet standards body, developing open standards through open processes to make the Internet work better. The IETF is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. The Internet Engineering
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names And Numbers (ICANN) holds periodic public meetings three times a year and these meetings are rotated between continents for the purpose of encouraging global participation in its processes. These meetings have been central to ICANN since its formation in 1998. The ICANN public meetings provide an opportunity to solve
The first exchange in the Virtual Peering Series – Africa looks at the Effects of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the African Internet space. COVID-19 took the world by surprise and has significantly impacted almost every aspect of our society. From working from home, remote learning to everything we have accepted in the past few months as new life
The 2020 African Chapters Advocacy meeting will be a series of interactive online sessions on the Internet Society 2020 projects, development and sustainability of Chapters. It will be structured as follows: 22-23 Sep (3 hours per day) dedicated to 5 of the Internet Society 2020 projects. Featured projects will include: Community Networks, Encryption, Internet Way of Networking, Measuring the Internet, and Open
If you go to visit a neighbour, you don’t travel all the way across town and then back again to get there. Yet that’s what happens with Internet traffic in many parts of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA). An email you send to your neighbour can travel through other countries and even continents,
If there were any doubts about how critical the Internet is, COVID-19 has put them to rest – people are relying on the Internet like never before. But what about those who don't have it? The Indigenous Connectivity Summit brings together community network managers and operators, Indigenous-owned Internet service providers, community members, researchers, policy makers
IGF 2020 Theme: Internet for human resilience and solidarity This year, the IGF will be held online, in two phases. Phase One, 23 October – 6 November 2020, will include Day Zero events, introductory sessions for the four thematic tracks (Data, Environment, Inclusion and Trust) as well as Open Forums, National, Sub-regional, Regional and
The Internet Society Uganda Chapter is yet again thrilled and delighted to organize Uganda Internet Governance Forum (UIGF) in collaboration with other actors and partners in the internet ecosystem on the 12th November 2020. This will include 50 Delegates attending the event on site and other delegates attending online: Below is the registration form for
Virtual and In-country day convenings across Africa. Registration closed