We aim to contribute to the global Internet Governance debate by:
- Raising awareness about IG issues in Uganda and participate in the IG discussions at national, regional and international level
- Advocating for Freedom of Expression on the internet
- Promoting open use of data and development of appropriate internet policy is Uganda
- Supporting the development of e-governance applications to be used in encouraging citizen participation in democracy governance in Uganda
Internet Governance Forums
The Uganda Internet Governance Forum (UIGF) has since 2006 been a platform for deliberation on internet governance concerns in the country. Debates at the annual forum focus on prioritising access and infrastructure to global trends in the internet governance agenda such as the need for increased advocacy of online freedoms, protection of vulnerable users… Read More>>
The EA-IGF, which first convened in 2008, aims at creating a community of practice that will, in the long term, become a sustaining foundation for meaningful participation of East African stakeholders in internet public policy debates at the national, regional and international level… Read More>>
AfIGF aims to be a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multi-stakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in Africa in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. Read More>>
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was set up by the United Nations following on the working sessions of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).. Read More>>